Saturday 18 June 2011


Click the pic to fully enjoy this great ultra high res image from ILM for EPISODE II, featuring Obi-Wan and the Kaminoans inspecting the early battalions of Clone Soldiers, which clearly shows the kind of picture quality improvements/difference we should get when the film makes it's debut on Blu-ray in September. Made on digital video from the outset, the Prequel should look even more incredible to look at than ever before and be the closest we'll ever get to seeing how it was meant to be watched from the outset...


  1. Are you certain this image is from the upcoming BluRay set? I have had this quality image in my pictures folder for quite some time now and have several more from the saga. If you need some for your site (which is great btw) let me know and I will be happy to help.

  2. Hi Mogaarwok, thanks for your comment and kind words about AFICIONADO. No, it's not a picture from the Blu-ray. What I was trying to say in the blog is that the upcoming Blu-ray of EPISODE II will finally show us a picture quality as great as the original digital cell image released by ILM. What I'd also like to see on the Blu-rays one day is the best possible re-mastering of the Classic Trilogy with all the versions of the films released. If BLADE RUNNER and CE3K can do it, LUCASFILM should too in my book!

  3. I see now. Thank you.
    In regards to the original theatrical versions not being released; There's a rumour going around that part of the reason he did the SE's and won't properly clean-up and release/market the original theatrical version of the trilogy, is because he doesn't want to have to pay his ex-wife Marcia royalties. When George and Marcia split during the making of "JEDI" she took ALL of his money and my guess is that he is still bitter about the break up and doesn't want her to have any more of his money.

    I can't see there being any other reason for Lucas to not release the cleaned up originals in HD. It makes sense from a business perspective for LFL, to offer up multiple versions of the same product (we've seen them do this before in other areas) and if you believe what other people have to say about George, is that he loves to make money. What do you think?

  4. I have heard that story but I'm not sure if I believe it. George Lucas has got the sharpest legal team in the world and would surely have snipped any future payments to his ex-wife in the bud. I think it just boils down to his not wanting to spend money on the Classic Trilogy for Blu-ray, as, even though we love them in their original film-making ways, he clearly doesn't, and he's pretty stubborn as we all know!
