Monday 5 December 2011


Our tribute to the influential and iconic artist Drew Struzan continues with our third gallery entry, and one which certainly caught the eye in late 1982/early 1983: showing the commanding presence of Darth Vader in REVENGE OF THE JEDI. I remember seeing this bold and black/red poster in January 1983 inside the foyer of London's Dominion Theatre, framed with the words COMING SOON boldly attached on the wall leading up to the first floor steps. I recall being entranced by the image and the mystery of Darth Vader-was the important issue of his being Luke's father going to be finally addressed? At the bottom of the poster were Luke and the Dark Lord lightsaber fighting: surely a re-match was on the cards that would hopefully live up to the spectacular sequence witnessed during the finale of EMPIRE. So many things to look forward to, but if any artist could help build momentum, imagination and excitement to such an important film it was Drew Struzan.

OEUVRE - DREW STRUZAN, written by Drew and Dylan Struzan, and published by TITAN BOOKS, can now be obtained via AMAZON UK here: Drew Struzan: Oeuvre: Drew Struzan, Dylan Struzan: Books

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