Monday 16 July 2012


Here's some lovely artwork from British talent Andrew Skilleter which were done for some official UK ESB merchandising from 1980/81, with the ICARUS company. Best known for his sensational cover work on the TARGET book range of the Classic DOCTOR WHO series story adaptations from the late seventies well into the late eighties, Skilleter has also contributed his fine talents to other types of genre work and special commissions.

Check out his website here: — Andrew Skilleter


  1. Please stop RUINING the images with your watermark! It is completely unnecessary for you to use it!

  2. Thanks for the comment. Some images that are supplied to me from outside sources/friends request the watermark. I'm also putting up very selected material for watermarking because other sites/people use the rarer scans a lot on their websites and don't mention/link AFICIONADO anywhere at all-after nearly ten years of picture research/scanning I'm getting annoyed by this state of affairs. On the very rare material the watermarking will remain but there are hundreds more great/rare images to come that won't be watermarked.

  3. That's a real shame. That just means I won't be stopping by as often then. I simply cannot enjoy pictures that have been treated this way, and it's a shame that you feel that you have to watermark Internet images because of people actually using them. You might as well set up a paid subscription service if you're so concerned about your blog. It's the Internet. If you don't want to share them, then don't post them. Which of course defeats the purpose of the blog before you started doing this nonsense. Oh well, good luck with your watermarked images. You just lost a visitor.

  4. Across the two websites since 2007 there are nearly two thousand pics and so far only about 20 or so pics have been watermarked. That's a helluva ratio to get aggravated about! Still, if you're that incensed, do what you have to do!

  5. re: the watermark

    You don't own any of the stuff that you post.

    You are not the copyright holder on any of this stuff.

    your anger that other people repost photos of what George Lucas and his related businesses made without credit to you is misplaced.

  6. Hi 'Anonymous"...

    Let's get this straight, shall we? I have never ever said the material was my copyright-check out the Welcome to the World of STAR WARS AFICIONADO text section on the right hand side of the blog and you'll have clearly seen that!

    The STAR WARS AFICIONADO magazine and website over nearly ten years has helped make STAR WARS on the internet a much more info packed and rare photo packed place for fans to enjoy-and that was my aim after so much disappointing material online previously. A lot of fan websites and archives, especially behind the scenes related, have since sprung up, possibly because we set the trend, and some, alongside lots of other fan sites, have used the material that I and friends of mine have spent time researching and scanning-and don't forget the interviews which we've done- that people have picked up on and never sourced us on. So why shouldn't I/my contributors ask for a credit for AFICIONADO when the unofficial sources/people using the material haven't done any of the work and have used the work we've spent time on for their own benefit? I try to credit everyone who I've found interesting links/articles/pictures for, and rarely get reciprocated...

    As I've stated before, fans have also sent me rarer material and asked me for the watermarking for similar reasons. I'm sure nobody is questioning the integrity of websites like the STAR WARS ARCHIVES or the STAR WARS STORYBOARDS website-which are great, by the way- over their protective watermarking, on material which isn't their copyright, either. Some watermarking on other SW fan sites being so heavy you can just about make out the pictures! At least we don't go that far...

    I think AFICIONADO deserves some credit from time to time for the work its done in helping SW fans enjoy the saga over the years and I as Editor/writer will continue to push for people to do that as and when possible if we've been ignored.

    With so much official material now gone from official sites related to STAR WARS, STAR WARS AFICIONADO has been filling the void where it can so that people can continue to enjoy the saga beyond whats regularly out there.

    Mister "Anonymous", I hope this has clarified my thoughts...
