Saturday 12 December 2015


Mark Hamill, Anthony Daniels and Kenny Baker make a STAR WARS promotional spot in Manchester, 1977.

As THE FORCE AWAKENS debuts onto British cinemas this week, lets remember that exciting, still one-of-a-kind Xmas of 1977 in the UK, when the original STAR WARS made such a stellar, if long overdue, arrival- first in London cinemas then into the suburbs and across the country by early 1978. To say British audiences welcomed it with open arms would be an understatement- the feel good movie of the decade was a genuine tonic for a country suffering political and economic woes, and an amazing new step into the worlds of science fiction and space fantasy, and cinematic storytelling in general, that left everyone beguiled, amused, thrilled and extraordinarily happy!

Another shot from the Manchester promotion.
The Hildebrandt poster that was such a fixture on display walls of the London Underground during Xmas 1978.

1977: when Star Wars hit the UK – in pictures | Film | The Guardian
BBC ON THIS DAY | 27 | 1977: Star Wars fever hits Britain
Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope review
BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Barry Norman's Star Wars verdict
1978 - "Star Wars" Makes Cinema History - YouTube
This is how Britain responded to 'Star Wars' in 1977
Star Wars Trailers Part 1: The Original Trilogy |

Mark Hamill uses his magic with Miss J. Bridge at a Birmingham Holiday Inn press conference for the film's UK regions release - January 25th, 1978.

Star Wars debuts in Birmingham, England (25th January UK press call- Hamill, Daniels and Baker, and other generic coverage):

The popular UK sci-fi comic 2000AD heralds the film's arrival with its Xmas issue.

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