Monday 14 May 2018


Literally betting his professional life and fortune on the success of The Empire Strikes Back, which was really not a sure thing back in 1979 at Elstree Studios, and especially after all the delays, problems and escalating budget overruns and re-shoots then happening around him, STAR WARS creator/writer/director George Lucas hid his worries under his professionalism to eventually win the day- finally earning some respect from the British crews that had given him a hard time back in 1976, fighting profits-demanding Hollywood Studio 'suits', and ultimately getting to see his epic and artistic saga vision for a run of sequels made reality. Sequels and spin-offs that continue and resonate today with people of all ages forty-one years on. (And counting!)

STAR WARS AFICIONADO sends its warmest Birthday Greetings out today to George Lucas! 

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