Monday 12 November 2018


Very sad to hear the news of the passing of the great comics creative genius, legend, showman and all-round nice guy Stan Lee- the man who gave us so many memorable heroes and villains to discover and enjoy within his MARVEL publishing empire, and whom importantly made worldwide kids of all ages (and those successors-to-be talents in his company) read and indulge in fantasy and adventure, whilst also giving us some very cleverly hidden morality tales to think about within his stories.

One of the classic MARVEL comic adaptation tie-ins to the original Star Wars

And, of course, he was the man who launched the original Star Wars saga into comic book form in the US. As many of the fantasy and sci-fi titles MARVEL had released at that time in the early seventies hadn't always performed so well, Lee wasn't at first apparently willing to do a tie-in comics adaptation of the upcoming space movie then in production in the UK. But the acclaimed Roy Thomas, then working for his comic empire with the likes of the popular Conan the Barbarian, managed to persuade him, helped along by the film's casting news of Sir Alec Guinness in a lead role. Lee had always liked and admired Guinness work and, because of that casting, took a chance and entered into some ultimately tough negotiations with the film's publicist Charles Lippincott. But it proved a chance that paid off nicely- launching a sell-out first issue (debuting 8/3/77, two months before the film's release) and a glorious original reign for the title for nearly ten years, whilst importantly saving Lee's company from potential bankruptcy at one point.


At the 2015 Emerald Comic Con, Lee was presented with a superb piece of new MARVEL Star Wars art.

Thank you, Stan Lee. Your storytelling and entertainment work will live forever! Excelsior!

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