Sunday 20 October 2019


Naboo has been freed from the slimy grip of the Trade Federation, and joy has come for the planet and its people with the news that the noble, dutiful Senator Palpatine has been elected to the highest office in the galaxy- the Republic's Chancellor. Surely this will be a time of new peace and prosperity for all as the happy Palpatine arrives to congratulate Jedi hero Obi-Wan Kenobi and the intriguing powers of young Anakin Skywalker, whose career the statesman will watch 'with great interest'!

A terrific scene with subtly grim foreboding, and one added onto the film late in the day during additional reshoots during early 1999. Care had to be taken to keep Jake Lloyd out of close-up shots because he had gotten older-looking a year and a half on from the original period of filming.

Due to the late scheduling of the reshoots, so close to the film's release, many of the actresses playing the Handmaidens were not available to return, so other members of the production team (including Nick Gillard, who fitted one of the available costumes) and Jake Lloyd's mum, Lisa, took the back ground roles. Another extra filled in for Sio Bibble when actor Oliver Ford Davis was not available - a fact all too clear on screen!

The re-shoot handmaidens, including middle left to right: Lisa Lloyd, LUCASFILM's Lynne Hale, and Nick Gillard! 

Additionally shot in that extra principal photography was the departure of the captured Trade Federation villains, awaiting trial on Coruscant. This replaced an earlier scene filmed but cut, set in the Throne Room with Amidala.

Filming the Trade Federation leaders being taken away.

Rounding off the VIP cameos at the Chancellor's arrival were three key men from the making of the Star Wars films, including Sound Designer/Editor Ben Burtt, Producer Rick McCallum and co-Film Editor Paul Martin Smith.

Ben Burtt in character for blue screen filming insertion 

Burtt, McCallum and Smith line up for the shot filming.

From Pablo Hidalgo/Twitter.

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