Saturday 14 August 2021


Tensions rise at the Yavin IV Rebel base between General Draven and X-wing fighter squadron Blue Leader (General Antoc Merrick), in this possibly staged image from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. though all the official book releases linked to the film in 2016 talk about the uneasy relationship between the two men, with Blue Leader considering Draven to be too ready to sacrifice the brave U-wing pilots in their battles against the Empire. It's likely that this plot element between the two characters was filmed but ultimately deleted.

Posed publicity/merchandising shot of Alistair Petrie as Draven. Image by Jonathan Olley/Lucasfilm.

Onscreen, Draven certainly came across as a pretty ruthless and stern military leader. Though in the originally filmed version of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, he was seemingly less cutthroat as a strategist leader, and it would be his character who'd commit the Rebel ships and fighters to the attack on Scarif. In the reshoots this was changed with the introduction of the Calamarian Admiral Raddus, who'd defy the Rebels' mandate with his cruiser and support Jyn's mission to steal the Death Star plans, spurring the others fractions on to assist them.


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