Sunday 10 January 2021


Great promotional and merchandising art showcasing the ultimate saga villain, Darth Vader, for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, by Joe Corroney. In the originally filmed version of the movie, before the reshoots, Vader's role in the story was a deliberately minimalist one- an ominous. shadowy figure for several sequences, having been sent as an emissary by the Emperor to oversee the final stages of the Death Star's completion originally above Scarif (when it was a construction base rather than a communications/vault facility - a task that the Dark Lord assumed but was not interested in, considering the space station's destructive abilities insignificant compared to the true power of the Force (a belief he also shared in A New Hope), and despite the tyrannical ambitions and boasting of a power-demonstrative Orson Krennic, a brief moment of their conversation of which would be seen in an early movie trailer in 2016. In this deleted Death Star sequence, Vader would be physically portrayed by actor/muscle man Spencer Wilding, with vocal recording being done, also unused, featuring James Earl Jones.

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