Art by Tsuneo Sanda |
His investigations having led him to the mysterious Cloners of the Kamino water world, Obi-Wan Kenobi goes on to discover the identity of the armoured flying humanoid who killed Zam Wesell on Coruscant, the mysterious Jango Fett (played by Temuera Morrison, then winning acclaim onscreen for his intense performance in the art flick success Once Were Warriors), a bounty hunter in Mandalorian armour hired ten years previously for Clone Army genetics by an equally shady and unknown figure named 'Tyranus' through the Kaminoans - a secret initiation, supposedly for the Republic, taking place ten years earlier, and shortly after the unusual death of a former Jedi Council member Sifo-Dyas, a friend and confidante to the now leader of the Separatists, the former respected Jedi now known as Count Dooku!
Jango Fett concept art by Doug Chiang. |
With the rapidly developed Clone Army nearing its order quota, Jango Fett's considerable payment from the Kaminoans would also see his take a unique additional prize - a biologically created clone son to call his own and surely train in his own unique lifestyle and skill sets: Boba Fett (as played by Daniel Logan, in his first acting work).
They mystery and danger linked to the mysterious creation of the army, needed for a future war foreseen only by unknown forces, deepens for the overwhelmed Jedi and the now-influenced Galactic Senate in this complex section of the story arc whose ultimate motivations aren't fully explained until Order 66 and the later events of Revenge of the Sith.
Daniel Logan and Temuera Morrison in character for a posed publicity session.
“He (the classic saga’s Boba
Fett) is a background
character, but I needed a
device, a bounty hunter to do
things. That particular bounty
hunter had become a rather
popular character, and even
though people were writing
all kinds of things about
where he came from, in my
mind he was always
connected to the Stormtroopers. I realized I could use Jango Fett as the
Bounty Hunter (in EPISODE II), and he would be Boba’s father, and then it
all fell into place.”
George Lucas - the British Star Wars magazine Number 39 - July/ August 2002
“Yes, he is the bad guy, but at the same time he’s also a dad and he loves his
son. He is a bounty hunter, of course, so I guess he doesn’t see himself as
being bad. I think I have one line in the film which sums it up: “I’m just a
simple guy trying to make my way in the universe.” I kind of like that.”
Temuera Morrison on Jango Fett - Total Film magazine - June 2002