Monday 8 November 2021


The injured Luke (Mark Hamill) captures in close-up in the ventilation tunnel

Caught in an unexpected air flow, Luke Skywalker is seemingly saved from death whilst propelled into a ventilation conduit at high speed, stopping to barely gather his bearings before then being propelled again - this time towards the underbelly exterior of Cloud City.

Originally shot on 31st July, 1979, the day's filming of the scene where Luke deliberately falls into Bespin’s bottomless shaft has to be re-filmed on 1st August, costing thousands of dollars, as the developed footage has been ruined in the laboratory.

Colin Skeaping doubles for Luke in the slide down, attached to a concealed skate board-esque panel. Skeaping uses the bloodied stump of Luke's hand to control his speed...

Early storyboard idea that would see a matte painting used for the descent sequence.

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