Monday 9 October 2023


The first battalions of Clone Troopers gather...

On an immense staging area on Coruscant, the legions of Clone Troopers begin boarding their massive Republic Cruisers bound for galactic conflict against the Separatists. Watching all this from afar, a core group of senators huddle around the pleased Supreme Chancellor Palpatine to watch the epic debarkation, including a clearly but silently frustrated Bail Organa, who knows that the violent troubles of the de-stabilized galaxy will only intensify...

“The Imperial March in this case is a powerful potent, suggesting a very dramatic future which is in store for all the characters in the next episode. It’s a piece of music that represents, in my mind at least, not only Darth Vader but the forces of the Empire. It was actually George’s suggestion to use it there, and I think it works extremely well.” 

John Williams on using The Imperial March theme towards the end of Episode II - Star Wars Insider - Issue 61 - 2002

Onto their cruiser transports. The Clone War has begun. 

On Coruscant, the Republic senate watches the Clones mobilization.

Palpatine and a troubled, helpless to act Bail Organa watch the proceedings.

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