Friday, 30 November 2012
He may be one of the Rebel Alliance's best pilots, but even Red Leader (Drewe Henley, filming this scene against blue screen) is no match for the bold and terrifying skills of the now zeroing in for the kill Darth Vader- in the ultimate sense of irony, a man he once flew with, when he was known as Anakin Skywalker...
Thursday, 29 November 2012
Another of Rick Baker's workshop classic alien masks gets an airing, and the chance to grace Ackmena's Mos Eisley Cantina, in this posed image from the 1978 STAR WARS HOLIDAY SPECIAL.
If anyone knows the name of the creature on and off screen, please get in touch...
UPDATE 30/11/2012. Now identified as an Y'bith. Thank you!
Check out this rare seventies interview with Rick Baker, showing some of the great Cantina alien masks: Judd Sutherland visits Rick Baker and his Workshop - YouTube
The Star Wars Holiday Special Cantina: Who's Who | Star Wars Blog
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Lovely actress/model/entrepreneur Orli Shoshan gets ready to film her second death scene as noble lady Jedi Shaak Ti, this time at the back-stabbing hands of Sith possessed Anakin Skywalker, in a new sequence shot in at London a short time before the release of EPISODE III that also ended up being deleted, though it eventually made an appearance on the Blu-ray release of the saga.
This was an image originally captured by the Official STAR WARS Website for its long defunct Hyperspace area.
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Production Team contact sheet for reshoots filming for EPISODE III as scheduled for May to July 2004, including Anakin's shocking murder of Shaak Ti and Order 66 sequences. |
Check out AFICIONADO's previous exclusive interview with Miss Shoshan from 2008, here:
Note: to see these Google PDFs in their highest quality, it's best to download the files to your desktop.
Tuesday, 27 November 2012
George Lucas has fun showing an inquisitive Ewan McGregor a production maquette of Dexter Jettster's head- a welcome point of visual reference for the actor during the filming of important scenes in the Coruscant Diner for EPISODE II, at the Australian FOX Studios in 2000.
Monday, 26 November 2012
I can't wait to see what new and exciting art will herald the eagerly anticipated Sequels from 2015 onwards...
Sunday, 25 November 2012
Deflecting the continued attack of enemy opponents, Anakin Skywalker uses his skills in the Force to buy critical time for our heroes to begin their escape from the volcanic underbelly of The Citadel, in a scene from the final episode of the excellent three-part Season Three adventure: Citadel Rescue.
Saturday, 24 November 2012
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A superb creative pairing: George Lucas and Gary Kurtz on the set of THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK at Elstree-1979. |
Note: This is a classic blog from our older site reprinted.
Yep, the Thirtieth Anniversary of STAR WARS has proved to be a considerable success this year- and George Lucas's "little space movie for young people" is still as superb as ever, continuing to find new fans of all ages across the globe in whatever medium it breathes life in: be it books, movies, TV or comics.
Yep, the Thirtieth Anniversary of STAR WARS has proved to be a considerable success this year- and George Lucas's "little space movie for young people" is still as superb as ever, continuing to find new fans of all ages across the globe in whatever medium it breathes life in: be it books, movies, TV or comics.
where it all began, Lucas is the corner stone, the lit blue touch paper from
where it all began like a supernova- the story, the characters, the look and
feel of it all, the entire universe-it all comes from him-and we'll all be
eternally grateful of the day that he put pen to paper to come up with the film
on those handwritten notes he outlined in May 1973, and for the
amazing imagination within that fertile mind of his that, even
now, continues to spur on into new heights of creativity. STAR WARS (or
STAR WARS: A NEW HOPE-whatever you want to call it!!), in this writer's mind,
is still the best film of the saga and has yet to be equalled, primarily
because Lucas is there at the beginning in every way, and nothing has
equalled it's raw power of enjoyment, in my eyes, since...
was a struggle for Lucas to get the film made- a struggle that would last for
five years. It was a risk, but one that ultimately paid off. To get this film
made, for it to leap from the imagination of Lucas's mind onto the celluloid
screen, the young director needed help, assembling some of the best people
working in the cinema at that time to achieve his goal. On this thirtieth
anniversary, we quite rightly continue to celebrate talents like George Lucas,
Ralph McQuarrie (whose wondrous creative and artistic insights launched a visual
style that hasn't bettered), Alan Ladd Jr., John Williams, Richard Edlund,
Dennis Muren, Joe Johnston, Ben Burtt-all amazing people and all quite rightly
congratulated for their work.
this anniversary year, however, let us also remember the great talents that are
no longer with us-the brilliant Production Designer John Barry, who helped
realise Joe Johnston and Ralph McQuarrie's superb environments into practical
set reality (making any visitors to the ELSTREE Studio's in 1976 amazed by the
uniqueness of the upcoming movie). Let's not forget John Stears and his
practical UK team (of which only Stears would be credited for his contribution
to STAR WARS-none of his UK team mates were credited in the end titles, event
though all of the rising star ILM team members were) for their hard work in
bringing the many droids like Artoo Detoo to life, realizing the Landspeeder,
the lightsabers and all of the other iconic effects -all of which might have
seemed impossible to create to other film-makers in 1973- that, though they
have been improved upon since, started with this movie.
Let's also not forget
Gilbert Taylor. His long experience and film-making style may have regrettably
clashed with the young independent film-maker (years later, apparently, he would
even be banished from being allowed in for the premiere party for THE STAR WARS
SPECIAL EDITION in London in 1997!!), used to doing his own camera-set ups and
changing lights (the veteran cinematographer, unbeknownst to Lucas,
also being under orders from FOX to have his
work adhere to their own visual requests for the film), but lets not
forget the beautiful clean and sharp look he brought to the Death Star scenes, as well as the wild beauty of Tatooine, the grimy criminal
atmosphere of the cantina and the organic green and brown colour scheme of a
growing Rebellion on Yavin IV. Again, the artistic palettes for cinematography
may have changed and improved over the years, but STAR WARS still looks
fantastic from a photography vantage.
in particular, on this important anniversary year, if there's one person still
being overlooked for his contributions to the STAR WARS universe, let's also
not forget the film-maker still continually active in today's tough world
of the movie-making environment-Gary Kurtz-producer of STAR WARS and THE
Despite the problems of getting STAR WARS off the ground,
and despite the complex nightmares of the even more ambitious EMPIRE, the
majority of which were unforeseen and could not ultimately have been avoided,
Gary Kurtz would be the further important under-pinning that made the STAR WARS
SAGA the success it is today. With a talent for character and storytelling, a
strong eye for direction, film-making and photography, and in the areas of
special effects photography, Kurtz would help Lucas shape the films into the
success they have become today. And as Producer, let's not forget his
contributions-on EMPIRE, it was Kurtz who selected Kershner to direct the
important sequel (a superb choice to helm the film), it was Kurtz who chose
Peter Suschitsky (whom many think gave the STAR WARS saga its best
cinematography with EMPIRE). It would also be Kurtz who maintained a strict
quality control on all areas of the films, especially EMPIRE, from the way the
film was marketed, to the escalating toy creation and promotion, to the dailies
film footage being shot at ELSTREE and ILM, to the help, protection and support
he gave the films young stars, this producers talent and hard work on the films
should not be overlooked.
the takeover of the STAR WARS INSIDER by TITAN MAGAZINES, let us hope that the
magazine one day returns to its glory days of the mid-nineties in terms of
content. Lets find out more behind the scene material on our favourite films,
in particular, more interviews, with decent questions rather than the same old
same old, with the cast and crews that made these films, and a reduction
in the toy marketing content. So many people who have contributed to STAR WARS
have died in the last few years and none of their stories or anecdotes have
been recorded or detailed (an example being David Tomblin- when did anyone talk
to him about his extensive work on EMPIRE and JEDI-I don't recall him ever
being interviewed for a STAR WARS magazine). LUCASFILM has the access-lets talk
to these people. Let's talk to Gary Kurtz in depth about both films- I don't
think I've seen an interview with Kurtz in an official STAR WARS magazine since
1980!!!- let’s talk to Gilbert Taylor again (rather than a re-hashing of a ten
year old interview!!). And what about Richard Marquand on JEDI-his
contributions to the final film of the CLASSIC SAGA are also left
un-explored-how about talking with his estate and his family about his work on
the film (and with JEDI there is still so much to find out on its making-it's
top secret making-has anyone ever seen the original shooting script for the
film-of which only three full copies existed? How about a book printing?)
much to be explored still, so many people and their talents to be celebrated.
As this 2007 anniversary year comes to an end, let us raise our glasses in toast to all the
creative talents who worked on those classic STAR WARS films, and let us also hope that
their hard work is explored in greater detail in the phenomenon years that are
still to come.
Friday, 23 November 2012
With the dawn glow of the Tatooine suns and the approach of the Boonta Eve race festival, Padme wakens little Anakin Skywalker from his outdoor slumber in this brief deleted scene moment from EPISODE I. In Terry Brooks excellent novel adaptation of the movie in 1999, Anakin, after making some last minute fixes to his podracer, has a mildly disturbing dream (or Force premonition?) of himself as a slightly older figure, in a future time of being elsewhere, possibly beyond Tatooine.
The Tunisian filmed but deleted version of the scene would be slightly different, focusing on Padme instead, and was only partially revealed with EPISODE I's eventual DVD release. After Padme wakens Anakin, he tells her of a premonition of her going into battle with a huge army; a future event which Padme shrugs off, saying she's against fighting. Cut by Lucas for time and pace reasons above all else, it was also noted that the scene really didn't have much energy for the young actors to work with.
Thursday, 22 November 2012
Legendary effects technician Paul Huston makes an adjustment to a Scout Walker model about to meet it's demise, during ILM outdoor filming of the Battle of Endor sequence for RETURN OF THE JEDI in 1982.
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
He may not be a full Jedi yet, but Luke Skywalker has the courage to fight on against the overwhelming might of Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Vader, within the bowels of the Bespin Cloud City, in this tense and scary scene from THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK.
With thanks to Chris Baker for the image.
Reviewed by Ian Trussler
a massive Indiana Jones fan (second
only to Star Wars, of course) I
decided to treat myself to the deluxe box set of the Blu-ray release. Here is my
run down and opinion of what you get for your money.
in a nice sturdy box made to look like an old leather bound book, as well as
the obvious Blu-ray films set (more on those later) you also get a very nice
selection of extra artifacts. This is what's included:
Grail Diary containing
drawings and notes etc as seen in The
Last Crusade, but also expanded to include Indy's notes and newspaper
clippings relating to all his adventures.
Shield rubbing from
The Last Crusade
photo of
young Indy and Henry Jones Senior (Last
Zeppelin tickets in
false names (Last Crusade)
Match book from
Club Obi Wan (Temple of Doom)
Menu for
the dinner at Pankot Palace (Temple of
Airline Ticket from
San Francisco to Kathmandu (Raiders)
of Indy taken
on Sallah's terrace, inscribed by Marion (Raiders)
Set of
4 Postcards featuring
behind the scenes pictures, one from each movie
Mounted Film Cell -
mine shows Indy confronting the cobra from Raiders
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On location in Tunisia, Harrison Ford takes a break before Indy's action filming begins again. |
On to
the movies now, the main attraction here is that the original three films have
never been available in high definition before and they don't disappoint in the
visual stakes. Each film looks glorious, having been spruced up for this
release. Visually not much has changed to the content, Raiders has an updated matte painting from the scene during the
truck chase, where the Nazi jeep goes over the cliff. This new moment has been known
about for a long time as the UK’s BBC has actually aired a prior unreleased
Blu-ray version of the film on and off these past few years. Temple of Doom looks particularly good
on Blu-ray due to the rich colours used for many of the Thuggee cult scenes, the
opening production number in Club Obi Wan, and the Pankot Palace dinner. UK fans also finally get the long-desired uncut version of Temple of Doom, which
contains the extended scene where Mola Ram plucks out the heart of one of his victims, then converts Indy to cause, and additionally the moment when both Indy and
Short Round are whipped mercilessly. Presumably cut as it featured Short Round
being tortured, it seems odd that the rest of the movie, showing the village
children being whipped regularly by the Thuggee guards in the mines, survives
unscathed. This scene is also notable as it contains the only example of Indy
swearing in any of the movies. One downside to the high definition is on The Last Crusade, much like Return of the Jedi, some of the blue
screen effects seemed rushed on original release and jarred even in the late
eighties. Those scenes look even worse on Blu-ray, the bi-plane scene in particular
looks very bad now and really could have done with improving. Crystal Skull has already had a Blu-ray
release and does look superb, but, when viewed in order, the difference in
style between the late great Douglas Slocombe (Director of Photography on the
original three films) and Janusz Kaminski (Director of Photography on Crystal Skull) is very noticeable.
Slocombe (one of the true greats of cinema) created a rich and deep colour
field favouring very naturalistic lighting whilst Kaminski uses more muted
tones and at times creates an almost artificial look.
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Steven Spielberg has fun with Karen Allen and Harrison Ford directing the finale to RAIDERS. |
almost unchanged visually, the original three films do seem to have had their
soundtracks altered. It could possibly be the sound mix, but I am pretty
certain that some scenes have little extra bits of dialogue added in. George
Lucas has done this sort of thing before with the Star Wars Trilogy, changing lines of dialogue and making use of
alternate takes from ADR sessions, mostly to the films detriment in my opinion.
On the Indy films it's not a big deal but on first viewing it did make me sit
up and think to myself, "Oh, that
didn't used to be in there, that's different."
films aside, one of the biggest draws of this set has to be the bonus disc. This
is a somewhat disappointing mixed bag of new material and a lot of rehashed
stuff from previous releases.
best extra is an all-new hour long feature called On Set with Raiders of
the Lost Ark. Made up of two half-hour features that can be played back
to back or individually, called respectively "From Jungle to Desert" and
"From Adventure to Legend", this is comprised entirely of on-set
footage from the various sets and locations of Raiders of the Lost Ark, edited in chronological order of the movie
scenes and not necessarily the order in which they were filmed during
production. This is excellent, showing great on-set interviews with all the
main cast and crew, insights into the problems with the production and even
better it features many deleted scenes, such as extra traps during the opening
scenes with Indy and Satipo, the full Cairo Swordsman scene with Harrison Ford
and stuntman Terry Richards, comic scenes between Sallah and Nazi officers, and
at last an explanation as to why there is a sleeping Arab digger slumped in the
scene when Indy and Marion escape the Well of Souls. It would have been nice if
Spielberg had allowed a proper, separate selection of deleted scenes on the disc
but as he has been quite vocal about his dislike of including deleted scenes on
disc releases, so we should be grateful for at least getting this.
Unfortunately, what makes it worse is that although this feature is only about Raiders, under the credits we get tiny
fragments of outtakes and deleted scenes from Temple of Doom and The Last
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Ford and young Ke Huy Quan have fun in Sri Lanka for INDIANA JONES AND THE TEMPLE OF DOOM. |
this new feature everything else is re-hash. We do get the previously available
on VHS and shown on TV, original 1981 Making
of Raiders which is good for those that don't have it. Interestingly, on
this feature, the original VHS tape and TV broadcast featured a song called Memories, Friends and 8x10's which references a quote made by stuntman
Terry Leonard during on-set footage of the truck chase. Sadly, this song is
absent from the Blu-ray version, perhaps due to legal issues/copyright
clearances, although the credits still list it and credit the writer and
performer. It would have been nice if we could have had all the other vintage
Making of’s, too, as there are several: another for Raiders called Great Movie
Stunts – Raiders of the Lost Ark
which was released on VHS as a double bill with the original Making of. Frank
Marshall’s Making of Temple of Doom is also sadly missing, along with three different documentaries on The Last Crusade, one of which has previously been a VHS release in the USA.
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Sean Connery adds some ingenious father/son comedy to the mix in INDIANA JONES AND THE LAST CRUSADE. |
else is pulled from previous box sets of the original three films and from the Crystal Skull individual releases.
Modern Making of’s for all four movies, featurettes on Stunts, Music, Props,
Locations, a very short American Film Institute interview with the three Indy
girls, and some other fluff.
movies themselves only have one special feature which is the trailers for each
respective film. Raiders being the
best, featuring three vintage trailers for the first run and for a re-release.
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Old dogs with new tricks. Spielberg and Ford return for one last (?) time in INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL. |
So all
in all, a nice set but disappointing in the amount of new content in regards to
the extras.
ratings would be:
Raiders of the Lost Ark Blu-ray transfer: 10/10
Temple of Doom transfer: 10/10
The Last Crusade transfer: 8/10
Skull transfer: 9/10
On Set with Raiders of the Lost Ark: 10/10
extras: 6/10
set rating: 8/10
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