Wednesday 29 July 2020


His loyal Tauntaun may have collapsed and died in the snow, but the creature's internal body heat can keep the delirious Luke alive for a short period whilst Han gets the small but sturdy shelter built for a long night...

The idea for this scene presumably came to Lucas, and firmly stuck in his mind, after reading about the history of the American West during his educational years. The concept was later seen in the hit Leonardo DiCaprio movie The Revenant, where his fugitive character did a similar survival trick with a horse so as to stay alive...

Harrison Ford and a crew member clown around with the Luke dummy on location.

Han uses Luke's lightsaber to cut open the Tauntaun- The close-up shot of it cutting open the creature's belly would be handled later as an insert in post production.

The opening of the Tauntaun's guts would be handled later in production by ILM, using a combination of exotic food stuffs, intestines and meat produce.

The Tauntaun close ups would filmed outside the Finse 1222 ski resort.

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