Thursday 25 February 2021


August 6th, 1979. On the raised hut interior set at Elstree, George Lucas has an important look over the development and manipulation abilities of the Yoda puppet via a foam-rubber light-weight (near accurate to the final look) stand-in model in full costume (one that would be made to look used and dirtied later on).Operated by Frank Oz, in test scenes also watched over by Gary Kurtz and Irvin Kershner, Lucas is clearly pleased and enthused with the way things are going regarding his unique new creation. 

Norman Reynolds production design for Yoda's hut. Note the image of Yoda at the time of the illustration is still resembling the once conceived by Joe Johnston.

Another Norman Reynolds idea for Yoda's hut- note the ceiling mosaic- a clear homage to what was above the Lars Homestead dining room in the original Star Wars.

Production design maquette of the cramped set.

Interestingly, in all the behind the scenes footage and stills photography for the movie seen over the years, this seems to be the only time that the stand-in was visually captured. 

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