A disguised Padme tends to her dying 'decoy' bodyguard, Corde. |
Someone is out to murder Senator Padme Amidala!Despite all security precautions, secretly returning to Coruscant to vote on a critical Republic bill linked to the creation of the controversial Army of the Republic, Padme is soon in the crosshairs of the clever Bounty Hunter Zam Wesell, of which two trusted Jedi, past known to the Senator (the noble Obi-Wan Kenobi and his love-smitten-for-Padme Padawan Learner, the youthfully edgy Anakin Skywalker) are soon in pursuit of both Wesell and the so-far elusive paymaster who will ultimately kill the shape-changing alien before she can talk to her captors.
The mystery continues, and deepens...
The 'decoy' Padme makes her way off the Naboo vessel... |
... but is soon slain by a mystery enemy! |
The fiery assassination attempt on the Coruscant landing pad. |
Deadly poisonous Kouhun creatures are used in a soon-stopped second murder attempt. |
As Obi-Wan crashes onto a remote droid, Dorme (Rose Byrne) tends to Padme. |
Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi follows the trail to the bounty hunter above Coruscant. |
The mysterious Zam Wesell (Leanna Walsman) takes aim in this publicity image. |
A new target for Zam: Obi-Wan Kenobi! |
Rescued by a timely arrived Anakin, as the speeder chase begins.. |
Power couplings prove a danger! |
Then Anakin goes spectacularly solo to bring Wesell's speeder down! |
Obi-Wan finally apprehends the shape-changer in a local sports bar. |
Taken out for questioning in a side alley. |
The shape-changer is killed before revealing the person who hired her. |
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