Thursday 29 September 2022


Fearless, dedicated to her cause, and a bold leader, Princess Leia of Organa was all these things, and more, as she fought against the tyranny of the Galactic Empire in service to the galaxy via the fledgling Rebel Alliance. Unlike fairytale princesses of our own past literature, who were mostly damsels in distress, the Princess of George Lucas's own unique space saga would be a modern and capable young woman always more intelligent than the two young men who'd come to rescue her! So who better to play Leia than an equally modern and capable young actress from 1976 Hollywood: then nineteen-year old Carrie Fisher, who soon gloriously made the part her own and helped create/see-in a new era of pop culture heroism.

Enjoy this selection of iconic posed images of Fisher as Leia taken during 1976 and 1977 from esteemed photographers Bob SeidemannTerry O'Neill and Douglas Kirkland.


Eight images from Bob Seidemann.

Image: via Star Wars Archives website.

Five B/W images from Douglas Kirkland's shoot.

One of the Kirkland images used as tribute to Carrie Fisher's sad passing.

Two lovely pics of Carrie Fisher taken during pre-filming of Star Wars late 1975, going into Summer, 1976.

Image by Terry O'Neill, though his licensing studio lists it as being taken in 1973, and not 1976.

With Mark Hamill mid-1976. Images taken at a London studio by Terry O'Neill.

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