Wednesday 7 September 2022


A military campaign seemingly without end and a galaxy stretched to the breaking point from the resultant conflicts. Things must change for the better soon, as a cadre of top Republic leaders (including the respected figures of Bail Organa, Mon Mothma and Padme Amidala) meet in secret to discuss what steps can be taken to gently persuade their Supreme Chancellor Palpatine to stop the Clone Wars. The Delegation of 2,000 is soon born.

Concept art, costume reference and publicity images of Mon Mothma, as played in EPISODE III by Genevieve O'Reilly.

Mon Mothma would nobly continue to fight for peace and justice across the Republic soon turned Galactic Empire, though her part in the Rebel Alliance's against the Emperor continues to grow in secret during the events of the upcoming spy thriller/political intrigue drama Star Wars - Andor series, starting exclusively on Disney+ from September 21st, 2022.

Mon Mothma, still on Coruscant, and navigating dangerous political territories in the new Star Wars - Andor series.

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