The end of the line for Jango Fett! |
Separated in battle from Obi-Wan (who has now dispatched the Acklay beast and numerous intimidated Battle Droids), Mace Windu finds himself back in the target sites of bounty hunter Jango Fett, who propels himself into the arena for final conflict against the Jedi, though the primal Reek has a grudge to settle first against any humanoid in its riotous path, notably injuring Fett and disabling his jet pack before the bounty hunter ultimately kills it. No longer a threat to Mace Windu, the supreme Jedi fighter makes the graceful killing moves that lead to his separating Jango's head from his body, watched from a distance by a shocked Boba!
Mace and Obi-Wan hip-deep in battle. |
The rampant Reek attacks anything in its way, first separating Obi-Wan and Mace, then going for Jango Fett with thunderous skill. |
With his rocket backpack damaged, Jango Fett is stuck in the arena... |
... whilst Mace retrieves his lightsaber in an alternate take. |
"My fight with Jango is a combination of him trying to escape and me trying to stop him. so there are a few elements, of him flying around, shooting projectiles at me, me defending myself and then going on the offensive. And once that happens he's pretty much toast."
Samuel L. Jackson - Lucasfilm promotional interview for EPISODE II - 2001
“Mace’s style (of fighting) is quite economic. If he gets within range, there’s
no question-you’re dead.”
Nick Gillard - Dreamwatch magazine - June 2002
“George was like, “Hmm, well, there are only two colours. Bad guys have red
and good guys have blue. Let me think about it. Then we went back to do
some shots in London, he said, “hey, take a look at this.” He pulled up some
footage and my lightsaber comes up purple. I was like “Is this just for this or
is it going to be like that in the movie?” He goes, “No, you got it.” Purple is
my favourite colour, and it has regal overtones, it’s a powerful colour. And
then when I’m in big battles scenes off in the distance, I can always say,
“Look! There I am, over there.” ”
Samuel L. Jackson - Empire magazine - June 2002
“Mace is not the calmest of Jedis. He’d just as soon saber you in the back.”
Samuel L. Jackson - Empire magazine - June 2002
Jango takes out the renegade Reek and will rapidly turn his attentions to the approaching Mace. But too late - Jango is soon going... |
going... |
.... gone! |
And a boy will ultimately take on his father's legacy. |
Awaiting the cue to 'Action!' |
Mace Windu, now arrived in the arena and with his smoky cloak (prior set alight by Jango Fett) soon abandoned. |
Mace fighting back in a deflection stance not seen in the movie. |
Another unseen moment of Mace using his skills in the arena, or before he retrieves his fallen lightsaber? |
Going through some unseen killer lightsaber moves with stunt coordinator supremo Nick Gillard. |
Cooling off between takes on the set floor. |
Jango stunt double Scott Mclean prepares for action. |
An unseen moment of a mid-air Jango firing double blasters. Perhaps at Mace Windu? |
Mace takes out Jango. |
Lucas goes through the decapitation aftermath with a colleague on set. |
Close-up shot of the lone helmet, its insides having been deposited somewhere else in the arena. |
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