The legendary scene once witnessed only briefly in its raw form within the classic
From Star Wars to Jedi: The Making of a Saga documentary of 1983, now enhanced with CGI, as Han Solo and Jabba the Hutt spar at Mos Eisley spaceport's Docking Bay 94, within the seemingly constantly revised
Star Wars Trilogy Special Editions, all of which were truly enjoyed by fans upon original release during Jan-March, 1997 (but sadly became controversial over time), kickstarting the saga anew on the big screen whilst also generating a helluva lot of money, much of its tie-in profits ultimately going towards the production costs of the then eagerly awaited, upcoming Prequels, to debut in 1999.
This image and above: the CGI sequence as seen and updated from 2004 onwards. |
1990's storyboard for the revised scene. |
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