Friday 18 August 2023


As an impatient Jabba the Hutt and his monstrous entourage looks towards them, Threepio has Artoo play the special message to the crime lord from Luke Skywalker - Jedi Knight and friend to Captain Solo. Jabba is surprised to see a Jedi Knight, but is ultimately not impressed with him, refusing to give up his favourite wall decoration in Solo's carbonite form. On a more shocking note, Threepio discovers that Master Luke has given him and Artoo away to Jabba as an offered gift of service!

Luke's hologram message was filmed at then end of shooting at Elstree Studios. For some reason, the footage was shown in flipped form-note Mark Hamill's reversed hair style.

Conceptual art by Joe Johnston for Luke's hologram message scene at Jabba's Palace.

The sequence as captured in the film's Marvel Comics adaptation - art by Al Williamson and Carlos Garzon.

A busy time between scenes on the palace throne room set at Elstree.

On a packed set full of technicians and industry related visitors, the message scene is filmed with multiple cameras - January, 1982.

Alec Mills handles the cinematography as several stills photographers take images from floor level.

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