It's a time of bittersweet reflection by Luke and Leia - in many ways the pair have now become different people to the ones we saw at the start of
The Empire Strikes Back - and a short break to re-gather their strength before they begin their mission to rescue Han Solo from the clutches of both Boba Fett and Jabba the Hutt on the far-off desert world of Tatooine...
Storyboard for the reshot Medical Frigate final scenes by Joe Johnston - November 1979. |
At some point, once the original filming on the set was completed (which we presume was originally July 1979?), Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Anthony Daniels and Kenny Baker would be recalled back for some additional shooting for the film’s finale (likely some point between August and December 1979). Daniels recalled to
Starburst magazine in 1983:
“Oh, I hated that (ending to EMPIRE). I know I didn’t pay for the ticket but I said, “Wait a minute” as it ended in outer space…we all had to do that shot again. That very final shot (in EMPIRE) I said they couldn’t shoot it like that. They said, “Oh yes, we can!” I said, “No, we’ve all got to be standing on the set.” I’m such a know-all. About a month later I got a phone call (laughter). The film had wrapped by then. Fortunately they had saved that one set.” |
The heroes gather to watch the Falcon's departure. |
Adjusting to his new hand, Like joins the trio. |
A specially created publicity image (presumably by Terry Chostner at ILM) with the Falcon and a red nebula art image superimposed. The nova image would be used in other Star Wars related merchandise publicity. |
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