Thursday 25 March 2021


Despite the serious nature of the scene and its important revelations about the Skywalker lineage, Mark Hamill still finds time to clown around for the on set photographers during filming of 'the cave' sequence. Though Graham Freeborn's face cast of Hamill had been filmed, it was barely seen on screen for a second or two, with the production team deciding to go with a more straight forward effect of filming Hamill's own face through the mask, the actor underneath the set, for the main reveal.

Hamill happily undergoes a face mask appliance session with Graham Freeborn at Elstree.

A half body cast of Hamill was also created for filming, but seemingly unused?

The ultimately unconvincing head as seen on film. Only the barest moment of it is seen before the use of Hamill's face in the mask.

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