Sunday 25 August 2019


A day in the life of the Skywalker family - adapting and surviving the diverse environment of the busy Mos Espa, and showing us the slave quarters area in which they will modestly live - is well captured in this great concept/production art by ILM talent Terryl Whitlatch. This was a memorable EPISODE I related image deservedly showcased in the world-touring Star Wars Identities exhibition.

"It (Anakin's birth) was a virgin birth in an ecosystem of symbiotic relationships. It means that, between the Force, which is sort of a life force, and reality, the connectors between these two things are what we call Mitichlorians. They're kind of based on Mitichondria, which are a completely different species, a different animal, that is inside every single cell and allow it to live, allow it to reproduce, allow life to exist. They also, in their own way, communicate with the Force itself. The more you have, the more your cells are able to speak intuitively to the Force itself and use the powers of the Force. Ultimately, I would say the Force itself created Anakin. I don't want to get into specific terms of labelling things to make it one religion or another, but, basically, that's one of the foundation's of the hero's journey."

George Lucas - Vanity Fair magazine - February 2005

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